Medical Consultant/Pyschiatric Consultant Referrals


Please Note: I am currently compiling data and information for this case study. I’ve worked on this feature area of the Disability Case Processing System (DCPS) for eight years and it is taking a while to compile the data. I’ve also worked other features within DCPS, including a complete redesign of the Supervisor Dashboard, Assistance Requests, and Internal Quality Reviews for Case Closure and In Progress Cases.

Types of Users

Medical Consultant/Psychiatric Consultant( MC/PC): medical professionals working in the Disability Determination Services (DDS) sites that provide assistance on disability cases. They are usually retired doctors that are now working “part-time”. They have vast medical knowledge but have limited tech knowledge.

Disability Examiners (DE): employees of the DDS sites whose job is to review and make decisions on disability cases.

Supervisors: people who oversee the MC/PCs and DEs. They are usually former DEs who have gained knowledge and experience with their roles.

User Goals:

As an MC/PC, I want to view my work, communicate with Disability Examiners (DEs), and get additional work.

As a DE, I want to request work from MC/PCs and communicate with MC/PCs.

As a Supervisor, I want to assign work to MC/PCs.

User Research

Because I did not have access to MC/PCs due to contracting constraints, I was limited in my user interactions. I worked with Supervisors of MC/PCs in order to determine their needs. This was conducted in small user groups. I also used good UX Design practices to develop screens.

Through these discussions, we determined that MC/PCs would need additional handholding with the designs due to their average age (60s/70s), and their technology experience.


Currently compiling screenshots, please feel free to view the interactive prototypes in the meantime.

Usability Evaluations

I conducted usability evaluations with 6 MC/PCs from various DDS sites around the country.